The Point of Rocks is a small range of low volcanic mountains out in the flats between the San Andres Mts. and the Caballo Mts. Though not very high, the point itself is the highest point for about 20 miles in any direction. I went to the Point of Rocks on the 12th of December, 2004 because I saw it on a map and hadn't heard of it. So far it's the only mountain range of any kind on which I've seen no ferns whatsoever; otherwise, it's a nice enough place.

Looking northwest at the point itself. Dawn, 12/12/05. I should've stopped down the aperture a bit more to keep the mountains from being a bit soft...

Looking northeast at the north end of the San Andres Mts. in the distance from the point, 12/12/05. Windy at the top, but the view is good.

Looking northwest at the Caballo Mts. from the point, 12/12/05. The dark mountains in the background on the left are the Black Range.

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