Cheilanthes wootonii
This species and Cheilanthes yavapensis are very similar in both morphology and
ecology. They are distinguished by the distribution of cilia on the scales on the abaxial
surfaces of pinnae; Cheilanthes wootonii only has cilia in the basal portions of the
scales, whereas Cheilanthes yavapensis has cilia extending the whole way up the
scales. They both occur primarily on igneous substrates at low to mid-elevations.
Plant habt on the west side of the Organ Mts., 10/30/04.
Adaxial leaf surface on the west side of the Organ Mts., 10/30/04.
Adaxial view of a pinna on the west side of the Organ Mts., 10/30/04.
Abaxial view of a pinna on the west side of the Organ Mts., 10/30/04.
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