Cedar Bluff is a Nature Conservancy property with some excellent limestone bluffs along Clear Creek.

Clear Creek along the base of Cedar Bluff, 2/15/04. The woman on the right is Mary Damm, on the left is Alison Bennett.

The base of the bluffs, 2/15/04.

Looking down at Clear Creek from the top of the bluff, 2/15/04.

Dead juniper (a.k.a. "cedar") on Cedar Bluff, 2/15/04.

Looking southwest from the top of the bluff, 2/15/04.

Clear Creek along the base of Cedar Bluff, 7/19/04.

The bluff, 7/19/04.

The end of the bluff, 7/19/04.

A powerline cut near Cedar Bluff, 7/19/04.

Clear Creek a bit downstream of Cedar Bluff, 7/19/04.

The top of the bluff, 9/13/03.

A bit of juniper-dominated forest near the bluff, 9/13/03. The groundcover is almost entirely Lycopodium digitatum.

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