Griffy Lake and vicinity

This area contains the Griffy site of Indiana University's Research and Teaching Preserve as well as a lot of land owned by the city of Bloomington. Its proximity to Bloomington makes it a popular area for hiking, fishing, etc., but luckily it's still easy to find areas without heavy traffic. I visited the Griffy RTP once a week or so from late summer in 2002 until the summer of 2004, and many of my Indiana plant pictures are from this area.

Griffy Lake 1 Griffy Lake 2 University Lake Griffy Lake Shore Ravine upstream of University Lake Bottomlands below the University Lake dam A slope across the bottomlands from the 
University Lake dam West side of Huckleberry Ridge Bottomlands between Griffy and University Lakes A slope above the Griffy bottomlands The area near the parking lot on Headley Road A marshy area on the south side of the upstream end of Griffy 
Lake A marshy area on the north side of the upstream end of Griffy 
Lake The first large ravine to the south upstream of Griffy Lake A slope above the Griffy bottomlands just upstream of Griffy 
Lake The Griffy Lake causeway Upland area in/near a ravine blocked by fill from an old railroad 
right of way The large ravine on the east side of Headley Road The ridge just east of Headley Road A field above Griffy Lake on the north Griffy

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