Three Forks is a junction of three canyons in the northern Guadalupe Mountains. Like the rest of the Guadalupe Mountains, the rocks in the area are all limestone. Three Forks has some the steepest topography this far north on the east side of the Guadalupes, and has some rare or otherwise interesting plants on its cliffs.

Looking down-canyon a couple miles east of the forks, 9 Apr 2010.

Water tank and deceased pickup truck a couple miles east of the forks, 9 Apr 2010.

Three Forks; one canyon goes off to the left, the other continues back behind the near peak at center, the third goes off to the right. 9 Apr 2010.

Cliffs a mile or so east of Three Forks, 9 Apr 2010. Salvia summa grows here, as does an undescribed Boechera.

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