Near Turkey Creek in the Big Thicket National Preserve, the Kirby Nature Trail connects to the Turkey Creek Trail and the Sandhill Loop. The Sandhill Loop goes through what was once Arid Sandyland habitat but is now open longleaf pine with a brushy understory.

A cypress slough along the Kirby Nature Trail, 3 Jul 2007.

A moist, low, sedge-filled area near the base of the Sandhill Trail, 3 Jul 2007.

Upland longleaf forest, 3 Jul 2007. The outer side of the Sandhill Loop has this kind of habitat, with relatively dense tree cover and little undergrowth.

Longleaf savannah, 3 Jul 2007. The inner side of the Sandhill Loop is like this. Sparser, larger longleaf pines and brushy undergrowth. As indicated by the charred bark on the foreground tree, this area was burned recently.

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