How I Do Things


The majority of the pictures on here at this point were taken with a Canon Digital Rebel, a digital SLR. I've been happy with it, though at this point it's starting to show its age (2 years old is ancient, these days). I've used a number of different lenses, including:

Some other things I use include:

Web Hosting:

This site has always been hosted on Macintosh computers running OS X, using the Apache web hosting software that comes with OS X.

The primary stable domain for the site is The site was originally hosted from two servers at Indiana University ( and, since moved or defunct. The current computer was previously reachable at, but due to various technical problems ended up moving to I also own the domain names,,, and The first takes you to the main site, the next two take you to the plant pages indicated, and the last is the future home of an interactive online flora for the Organ Mountains to be created at some indefinite point in the future.

Site Construction:

Most portions of this web site were constructed by hand using pico or emacs under Mac OS X. I mostly use pico, but sometimes emacs is more convenient. Web galleries are constructed in Adobe Photoshop and then modified by hand and with batch modifications.

HTML by hand:

Basic html tags for images, links, etc., are easy to memorize. If I want to do something more complicated I'll look for a web page that does what I want to do and then figure out what html it's using to accomplish this, or look for useful html information through Indiana University's Knowledge Base, a compendium of technical support documents. For instance, the Knowledge Base is how I know how to create client-side image maps for the scenery maps (e.g., this one for Lincoln Co., New Mexico) on the site.

Adobe Photoshop:

Photoshop was used to create all of the galleries on this site. For this, I use Photoshop's "simple" gallery style and have it insert an image file's title or caption to provide information about the individual images. After construction in Photoshop I modify the galleries by hand (e.g., to insert the links to other pages of the gallery and to higher levels of the website that you can see at the top of each gallery page) and with batch modification using this method (for instance, in order to modify the color-based southwestern plant galleries so that the links direct you to the species' page rather than to the page Photoshop created for that image).


As some of you may have noticed, there are a number of broken links, missing images, or other errors scattered throughout the site. If you notice any of these, please email me ( and let me know. Obviously I want the site to be in good shape, but I also don't generally have time to sit around clicking on things to make sure everything works.

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