SW Plants: White flowers with 4 free petals
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Lepidium_mont Lepidium_virg Nasturtium_off Nerisyrenia_camp
Lepidium montanum Lepidium virginicum Nasturtium officinale Nerisyrenia camporum
Nerisyrenia_lin Oenothera_albic Oenothera_cae-cae Oenothera_cae-mar
Nerisyrenia linearifolia Oenothera albicaulis Oenothera caespitosa
subsp. caespitosa
Oenothera caespitosa
subsp. marginata
Oenothera_cali Oenothera_coro Oenothera_delt Oenothera_kunth
Oenothera californica Oenothera coronopifolia Oenothera deltoides Oenothera kunthiana