SW Plants: White flowers with 4 free petals
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Oenothera_neom Oenothera_pal-gyp Oenothera_pal-tri Philadelphus_mic
Oenothera neomexicana Oenothera pallida
subsp. gypsophila
Oenothera pallida
subsp. trichocalyx
Philadelphus microphyllus
Physaria_purp Polanisia_dod Rorippa_n-a Rotala_ramos
Physaria purpurea Polanisia dodecandra Rorippa nasturtium-aquaticum Rotala ramosior
Streptanthus_car Synthlipsis_gregg Thelypodiopsis_pur Thelypodium_crisp
Streptanthus carinatus Synthlipsis greggii Thelypodiopsis purpusii Thelypodium crispum